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The ethics of scientific publications is understood as the system of norms of professional behavior in relations between authors, reviewers and editors in the process of creating scientific publications.

These norms are based on the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics), Declaration of the Association of Scientific Editors and Publishers (ANRI) “Ethical Principles of Scientific Publications”, norms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of copyright and international publishing standards.

The publishing house is responsible for the observance of ethical standards in relation to the publication and dissemination of research results, accepts all the provisions of the ANRI Declaration "Ethical Principles of Scientific Publications". Cases of unethical behavior when publishing and disseminating the results of scientific research in publishers ’journals are requested to inform the editor via email.

Author's Ethics

The author (or a group of authors) is aware that he is responsible for the novelty and reliability of the results of scientific research, which implies the observance of the following principles:

  • the authors of the article should provide reliable results of research conducted with scientific novelty. Deliberately erroneous or falsified statements are unacceptable;

  • the authors must ensure that the results of the study presented in the manuscript provided are completely original. Borrowed fragments or statements must be made out with the obligatory indication of the author and the original source. Excessive borrowing, as well as plagiarism in any form, including unformed quotes, paraphrasing, or appropriation of rights to the results of other people's research, is unethical and unacceptable;

  • it is necessary to recognize the contribution of all persons who in one way or another influenced the course of the study, in particular, the article should contain references to the works that were of importance in conducting the study;

  • co-authors of the article should indicate all persons who have made a significant contribution to the study. Among co-authors it is inadmissible to indicate persons who did not participate in the study;

  • the consent of all authors to the publication is obligatory;

  • the authors should not submit to the journal a manuscript that has been sent to another journal and is under consideration, as well as an article already published.

If the author finds significant errors or inaccuracies in the article at the stage of its consideration or after its publication, he should notify the editors of the journal as soon as possible.

Editorial's Ethics

The editor, as a representative of a publishing house engaged in the preparation of materials for publication, is responsible for the publication of copyright works, which makes it necessary to follow the following fundamental principles:

  • the editor is guided by the principles of scientificness, objectivity, professionalism, impartiality;

  • the interaction of the editor with the authors is based on the principles of justice, courtesy, objectivity, honesty and transparency;

  • unpublished data, information or ideas obtained from submitted manuscripts should not be used for personal purposes or transferred to third parties without the consent of the author;

  • the editor should under no circumstances compel the author to cite the scientific journals of the Publishing House as a necessary condition for accepting a manuscript for publication;

  • the editor’s duty is to prevent situations in which authors, reviewers or other subjects involved in the process of publishing scientific articles show signs of unethical behavior, as well as to ensure the removal of publications of unscrupulous authors that contain plagiarism, falsification and fabrication of data, from scientific circulation;

  • the editor and the publisher should not leave unanswered claims regarding reviewed manuscripts or published materials.

Reviewer's Ethics

The reviewer, as an expert acting on behalf of the publisher, carries out a scientific examination of copyright materials in order to determine the possibility of their publication, as a result of which his actions must be unbiased in nature, consisting in the observance of the following principles:

  • the article received for review must be treated as a confidential document that cannot be transferred for review or discussion to third parties who do not have the powers of the editors;

  • the reviewer is obliged to give an objective and reasoned assessment of the stated research results. Personal criticism of the author is unacceptable;

  • unpublished data obtained from submitted article should not be used by the reviewer for personal purposes;

  • the reviewer who does not possess, in his opinion, sufficient qualifications to evaluate the manuscript or cannot be objective, for example, in the event of a conflict of interest with the author or organization, should inform the editor and ask to exclude him from the review process of this article.

The order of withdrawal (retraction) of the article from publication

Retraction is a mechanism for correcting published scientific information and notifying readers that a publication contains serious flaws, erroneous data that cannot be trusted, cases of duplicate publications (when the authors present the same data in several publications), plagiarism and concealment of conflicts of interest. which could affect the interpretation of the data or recommendations for their use.

Reasons for withdrawing an article:

  • detection of plagiarism in the publication;

  • duplication of articles in several editions;

  • detection in work of falsifications or fabrications (for example, juggling of experimental data);

  • detection of serious errors in the work (for example, misinterpretation of the results), which casts doubt on its scientific value;

  • incorrect composition of authors (there is no one who deserves to be an author; persons who do not meet the criteria for authorship are included);

  • hidden conflict of interest (and other violations of publication ethics);

  • republishing the article without the consent of the author.

The publishing house carries out retraction according to the official appeal of the author / team of authors of the article, who motivatedly explained the reason for his decision, as well as by the decision of the editorial board of the journal on the basis of his own expertise or information received by the editor.

The editors must inform the author (the lead author in the case of collective authorship) about the retraction of the article and justify its reasons.

The article and the description of the article remain on the journal’s website as part of the corresponding issue, but the electronic version of the text is labeled RETRACTED and the date of retraction, the same litter is placed on the article in the list of issues. The commentary to the article indicates the reason for retraction (in the case of plagiarism, indicating the sources of borrowing). Mechanical deletion of an article from the electronic version of the journal and from the archive does not occur, the texts of the withdrawn articles remain where they were before, with the appropriate note.

Information about the withdrawn articles is transferred to the unified database of retracted NB articles ( At the same time, information about the article and the full text remain on, but are supplemented with information about retraction. Recalled articles and links from them are excluded from the RSCI and are not involved in the calculation of scientometric indicators.

The journal is registered by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications,

Information Technology and Mass Communications (Roskomnadzor)

Registration number:

ЭЛ No ФС 77-74261 from 23.11.2018

Founder: Federal State Education Institution of Higher Education 

“Southern Federal University”

ISSN: 2686-9802

+7 (918) 500-58-50

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